Sunday, September 4, 2011

Tips on Scuba diving for paraplegics

Here are some of my techniques for scuba diving without fins


Mistress Lisa said...

Hello, I'm a scuba instructor who recently became interested in teaching paraplegic divers, however I have a few questions mostly related to regulating body temp? If you could shoot me an email that would be awesome!

Neil McLennan said...

SCI causes a loss of the heat regulation mechanisms below the level of the spinal injury, therefore the legs of a paraplegic will not sweat or shiver. For someone with neck injury their torso and arms will also cease to sweat and shiver. Therefore as the level of injury becomes higher the ability to regulate one's body temperature becomes less.

So its important to try to stay warm before you get in the water especially if the level of injury means that you will not be able to use your muscles to create heat when you are swimming. In tropical areas it is possible to get uncomfortably hot if you are wearing a wetsuit.

Junaid said...

Hi Neil how are you .I hope you are fine. Nice to see you here.

Unknown said...

It is really nice posting. I will recommend this post to my friends too. thanks a lot.
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gwooki said...

Hi, I have a patent pending design for arm fins that will aid swimming and scuba diving, specially for paraplegic people... I was wondering if I could have your email or contact information to show you how this work have a feedback from you.. I have 2 prototypes made already... Thank you ny email is

Unknown said...

nice video thanks for sharing ! Freediving UK